Sterilised milk. Don't often see it outside of the Stoke-On-Trent area these days do you? Actually I'm struggling to think of anywhere I've seen Sterilised milk outside of S-O-T, and I've seen pretty much all of our green and pleasant land. It's very much a nostalgia thing for me, reminds me of been at me Nan's house when I was a kid, and the countless holidays at me Nan's Caravan near Rhyl. A big fan of sterilised milk was me Nan.
Anyway, yesterdays game. Vale 1 Aldershot 0. Four wins from the first six games, and we have a home win to celebrate. Big shout out has to go out to Gary Roberts for his awesome display in midfield, and his fantastic winner - although The Football League Show tried to spoil it somewhat by pointing out that it took a deflection on it's way past the keeper, something that wasn't apparent to me sat in The Bycar's. Great news that Roberts has had an extension to his contract, he is a real joy to watch - when did we last have a midfielder at Vale Park who could do what Roberts can, namely; control the ball, look up, pick a pass. Doesn't sound like to much does it? The basic tools of the central midfielder, but in this league players of this calibre are few and far between.
And consider this: Robin Hulbert, Paul Harsley, Craig Rocastle, David Howland, Scott Brown, Neil Mackenzie. This is what we've had to suffer over recent years. I might mention Tommy Fraser, but perhaps that would be a little unkind - I could even annoy people and mention Anthony Griffith, yes - I love his 'action man' style and love to see a bit of old skool 'getting stuck in', but he struggles with the ball at his feet, when have we seen a defence splitting pass during Griff's time at Vale Park? Roberts is a gem.
It's creamier than pasturised milk, and still comes in a bottle with a proper bottle top. I really like it in coffee.
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