The season began yesterday with a belligerent battle at Gigg Lane, and we came away the deserved victors - the amazing Lee Collins delivering the telling strike midway through the second half.
The celebrations from us humble Fans was, of course, wild and jubilant. Like at Shrewsbury for the past two seasons, and at Crewe last season. There is a real buzz developing around the Club again, it's years since I've felt this optimistic and this deliriously happy with Vale. The fact that almost 2000 Vale Fans made the trip proves that I'm not the only one feeling like this.
Vale players and Fans in perfect harmony
One of the joys of visiting Bury is, of course, the opportunity of travelling on a tram. It just has to be done. Going to the game in a car or Supporters coach is wrong, just total and utter wrongness. No, you have to travel by train, take the time to see a bit of the City or Town you are visiting. Get a bit of the local culture. And how many times in your life are you going to take a tram through a place called Besses O' Th' Barn?
The Fans, in the main, were superb - the usual high volume whilst giving the opposition a quick tune, some cheeky banter with the Bury lot, but there is an issue that has to be addressed.
And that issue is the seemingly ever increasing number of slack-jawed, large-foreheaded, pimply tossers that follow Vale. What hopelessly dreary people they are! A constant source of embarrassment for those of us who believe that washing, bathing and grooming is a daily concern rather than a fortnightly obligation.
Yesterday they were in full force. One instance that sticks in the mind came during the first half when, over to the left of us near to the toilets, a policeman was man-handling a Vale fan - I've no idea why, but the knee jerk reaction from around 70-80 of our fans brought a collective sigh of resignation from the rest of us.
Watching these scrawny pathetic specimens running around screaming "V-V-VLF" like drunk tarts does have an amusing aspect to it, and of course it all adds to the rich tapestry that is football, but we can all become tarred with the same brush. Ask a visiting fan at Vale Park about their experience when leaving the ground, and what they thought of Vale Fans they would probably say that we are a bunch of dicks. A bunch of dicks with bad skin.
Is that what we want?
Gigg Lane becomes a rave scene
She loves you, yeah, yeah, yeah
Agreed - where are these neanderthal fans crawling out from?